웅진 서스테인어빌리티



    Business Model

    In 1998, Woongjin Coway introduced the CODY system, which provides a differentiated business model in combination with rental service. We have established a business structure to allow consumers to rent environmental home appliances without the burden of paying initial purchase cost and continuously maintain the product value through regular care service. Based on this structure, we have secured 7.2 million customer accounts at home and abroad and created stable cash flow with an engine for sustainable growth.

    By expanding the value of care, which is the key capability of Woongjin Coway, we strive to provide water care, air care, body care, sleep care and home care products to help customers to enjoy every daily environment, including air, water and sleep, with security.

    In addition, we combined IoT technology with the care service and developed new customized solution IoCare(Internet of Care) to connect our essential business with Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and develop new services as an engine for future growth. With the unique DNA for differentiated innovation, we constantly endeavor to create sustainable value for stakeholders and distribute values.

    Business Value Chain

    Woongjin Coway’s products and services ultimately aim to create the value for making environment healthy and people happy. In particular, we input economic, social and environmental values from the perspective of sustainability management in the entire supply chain from material and part supply to product sales to achieve happy customers and healthy environment and output social values.
    Category Unit 2018
    Financial Capital Value input

    Total capital

    KRW million 1,087,698


    KRW million 2,378,903
    Value output


    KRW 100 million 27,073

    Operating profit

    KRW 100 million 5,198
    Manufactured Capital Value input

    Production facility investment

    KRW 100 million 3,978

    Amount of purchasing raw materials for environmental home appliance business

    KRW 100 million 4,168
    Value output

    Amount of product production

    1,000 24,460

    Average operation rate¹

    % 80.5
    Human Capital Value input

    Investment in education for employees

    KRW million 11,693

    Total hours of employee training

    hours 107,564
    Value output

    100 Best Companies to Work For

    Productivity per person²

    KRW million/Person 511
    Intellectual Capital Value input

    R&D cost

    KRW 100 million 368

    Number of R&D personnel

    Person 355
    Value output

    Intellectual property right

    Case 4,456


    Case 930


    Case 17

    Trademark(including global)

    Case 2,841


    Case 668
    Social Capital Value input

    Number of employees in the voluntary group

    Person 1,713

    Social contribution amount and donation

    KRW 100 million 8.4
    Value output

    Hours of participation in social contribution activities per employee

    Hour 20

    Technology protection for suppliers and temporary performance

    Case 11
    Natural Capital Value input

    Environmental investment

    KRW million 1,193

    Consumption of raw materials

    ton 16,768

    Consumption of energy

    GJ 113,386
    Value output

    Reduction of GHG emissions

    tCO2eq 385

    Amount of recycling waste

    ton 23,383

    ※ We applied the Framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council

    • Actual production compared to full production capacity
    • Revenue / Number of employees as of end of December 2018

    Headquarters : 100-759, 17F, JoongAng Ilbo Bldg., 88, Seosomun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
    Business Site : 136-23, Yugumagoksa-ro, Yugu-eup, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do