웅진 서스테인어빌리티



      Woongjin Coway supports the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and has established the Global CSR Guide that includes our principles on labor, environmental and safety practice. Throughout our HR management including employment, promotion, and training, we ensure equal opportunities and strictly prohibit any kind of discrimination based on gender, age, religion, ethnicity and race. In 2018, there were no violations regarding child and forced labor.
      Domestic Sites(Unit: person)
      Category 2016 2017 2018
      Total number of employees 4,771 4,879 4,927
      Work area Production 249 264 300
      Sales 3,358 3,397 3,406
      R&D 358 361 355
      Administration 779 830 835
      Others 27 27 31
      Employment type Permanent jobs 3,920 4,007 4,627
      Temporary jobs 851 872 300
      Gender Male 1,588(33.3%) 1,685(34.5%) 1,773(36.0%)
      Female 3,183(66.7%) 3,194(65.5%) 3,154(64.0%)
      Foreigner 6 5 5
      People with disabilities 44 51 49
      Employee Diversity
      Category 2018
      Female Managers Percentage of Manager Positions 37.3%
      Percentage of Working-Level Manager Positions 54.9%
      Global Sites(Unit: person)
      Category 2016 2017 2018
      Total number of employees 1,631 1,885 2,579
      Employment type Expatriate 13 15 15
      Locally recruited 1,618 1,870 2,564
      Employees by Age(Unit: person)
      Category Gender 2016 2017 2018
      Executive over 50 years of age Male 11 15 16
      Female 1 0 0
      Employee over 50 years of age Male 37 78 78
      Female 581 849 795
      Executive aged 30-50 Male 14 11 13
      Female 1 1 2
      Employee aged 30-50 Male 1,462 1,489 1,539
      Female 2,352 2,107 2,144
      Employee under 30 years of age Male 64 92 127
      Female 248 237 213

      New Employment, Turnover and Average Years of Employment

      Woongjin Coway is fulfilling its social responsibility through creating employment for vulnerable populations such as people with disabilities, as well as recruiting talented individuals to maintain its leading position in the market and strengthen the company's competitiveness.

      Category 2016 2017 2018
      Number of new employees 668 683 666
      Turnover rate(%) 14.1 11.8 12.6
      Average years of employment 6.8 7.2 7.5
      Category 2016 2017 2018
      Total training cost(KRW million)
      (Training cost per person, KRW million/person)
      Total training hours
      (Training hours per person, hour/person)
      • We have calculated from 2018, and the calculation scope is limited to training targets included in supported job categories

      Equal Pay

      At Woongjin Coway, we pay equally from the moment of employment and do not discriminate based on gender. In addition, we comply with local minimum wage policy and take into account consumer prices when determining wages.

      Category 2016 2017 2018¹
      Ratio of women's base pay to men's base pay(%) 100 100 100
      Ratio of new employee’s wage to the minimum wage(%) 251 202 235
      • The minimum wage set by the Korean government in 2018 is KRW 1,573,770.

      Employee Communication

      Woongjin Coway discusses its major decisions and the changes it implements regarding corporate management through regular meetings of the Labor-Management Council. If significant operational changes occur, we transparently share them in advance. In 2018, through 0 meetings of the Labor-Management Council we held discussions on 0 Agendas, including evaluation committee operations and promotion, annual salary adjustment, incentive payment, system improvement in corporate culture and education.

      Category 2016 2017 2018
      No. of council meetings(case)¹ 5 5 5
      No. of agenda discussed(case) 8 9 8
      No. of agenda decide(case) 8 9 8
      • The issues discussed at the Labor-Management Council Meeting apply to all employees.

      Grievance Counseling Program

      HR, sales, work, personal matters, etc.

      Category 2016 2017 2018
      No. of grievances raised(case) 28 52 59
      No. of grievances handled(case) 28 52 59
      Handling rate(%) 100 100 100
      Parental Leave
      Category 2016 2017 2018
      No. of employees on parental leave(person) 129 115 152
      Returning from parental leave(%) 95 97 99

      Headquarters : 100-759, 17F, JoongAng Ilbo Bldg., 88, Seosomun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
      Business Site : 136-23, Yugumagoksa-ro, Yugu-eup, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do